Sunday, April 02, 2006


One of the more complicated place names I've been to so far, although I know some future destinations will make harder work to pronounce still, more details on that to come.

So, the prospect of getting up close to some big tigers apparently wasn't scary enough, thanks to my chance meeting with Ryan (who I spent time with down South) we clearly decided that it would be more fun if we would see what effects breathing pure alcohol on these wild beasts would have on their temprament.
Quite a risk really when normally having the aroma of alcohol from the previous night's antics usually is enough to send friends into a rage, let alone a man eating tiger!

Anyway, the tiger temple was another one of those places I'd learned a bit about before leaving home so was looking forward to this one, and although you were ushered round and only spent a little time next to the tigers it did exactly what it said on the tin (the metaphorical tin of course) and you got closer to tigers than you would perhaps anywhere else, particularly given the apprent lack for health and safety concern in Thailand!

The place itself also appeared very well run, and given the fact that it was run by monks it kind of removed the issue of animals being treated well, if the monks didn't act accordinlgy then they would have to answer to a far higher power than the Thai equivalent of the RSPCA!

So all in all, the trip was well worth it, although I have to report that after booking my trip to the bridge over the River Kwai / waterfalls etc. I had to decline this as it would appear that the traveling and late night antics of late caught up with me and the kind of cold thing I'd been carrying around a week or so turned into a full blown case of terminal 'man flu' meaning 18 hours in bed!

All good though now and returning to Bangkok to see out Helen's last couple of days here before I take my first big random detour away from my original route.

More info to follow from in the Bangkok post....
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