Thursday, March 30, 2006

BANGKOK (visit #3)

So as always, Bangkok beckon whenever you want to cover any real distance in just in keeping with the previous visit I deecided to eat some more filthy bugs!
Photo attached is of Ryan, myself and Kristie and 3 big bad cockroaches (not sure of their names), second photo shows the reaction of said bugs....although it does fail to capture the fact that Kristie cheated and spat hers out straight away, but perhaps the look of "what the hell was that" on her face may give you some clue...

As for the taste itself it was actually one of the more pleasant tasting nasty things I've eaten...almost tastes like chicken when you put a bit of chilli sauce on the bad boy...also had some worms that night as well which afetr being deep fried pretty much tasted of the inside of the deep fat frier, not much else...good with a beer though!

So, on a more regaulr touristy level myself and Helen saw a few of the temples around the area, as well as the Grand Palace, which is still the King's official residencec - that boy kows how to live in style!
I had puporsely avopided the temples etc. around Bangkok to save them for Helen's visit, although to be honest with the excecption of the grand palacee most of them were pretty ordiary, even to Helen who hadn't seen any so far.

So, despite me seeing temples everywhere for what has nearly been 4 months, I actually found the grand palace pretty good...iot didn't have the old skool feel of ancient Angkor Wat but was pretty impressive....although when you see teams of Thais building new parrtts that look exactly like other parts it makes you wonder if the whole place is less than 10 years old!

Helen's arrival did almost bring a tear to my eye with things that I've missed from home, not any of that friends and family stuff - Marmite of course!!! . Breakfast time has neever been so good with my squeezy (what a great idea!) Marmite and Tetley tea!! Happy days.

Next stop is Kanchanburi, were tigers and bridges await, until then...
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