Monday, December 12, 2005


After what felt like the longest jouney in the world from London I got here Sat lunchtime too tired to know what to do with myself I went on a bit of a random wander around on my own.

Bangkok is pretty much easy to get yourself around (whilst dodging the 'Ting Tong' couples - of which there ae loads!!), and because of my total newbie status as a backpacker type person I've been quite pleased at the lack of schoolboy errors so far - have been managing to eat only where the locals are eating which has been met with lots of thumbs up and smiles.....not sure if that is because they like to see someone doing as they do or the funny looking / tasting meat dishes I've been eating....I'm not gonna ask a question that I don't want to hear an answer to!

However, the odd event has got the better of me.... I've already managed to get fleeced for the bus at 5 times the nomal rate (1 pound instead of 20p - hardly an issue though!) and got emboiled in the most long winded (20 min) scam from some other guy to try and get me to use his Tuk Tuk to view the temples....I think the phrase 'do one matey' hasn't made it over here yet!

Will be here for a couple more days it looks like whilst my visas for Laos and Vietnam are being done in Khao San (backpacker central - see pic!), then of to Chiang Mai to trek it up.

Until then.....

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